A few people have been asking how the mural is going and I'm happy to report I'm finally back on the farm and ready to start flinging paint around! Here's a rough schedule of when I'll be working on what for the next week or so. I've also included notes for potential helpers on when you can help and with what:
- Sunday, September 1: Priming, letting it dry. Hoping it doesn't rain. I'd love help with priming but realize this is very short notice.
- Monday, September 2: Gridding, penciling in the mural design. Would love some help with gridding. I'll be doing the penciling myself though.
- Tuesday, September 3 to Friday, September 6: Color painting. This is the part that seems to sound like the most fun to people and that everyone wants to help with. Please feel free to drop by and check out how things are going, but it's unlikely I'll have much for you to do if you are looking to help. Thursday 3-7 is the farm stand, so if you come that day you can also buy some produce!
- Saturday, September 7: no mural work (my friend's wedding).
- Sunday, September 8 and Monday, September 9: Color painting.
- Tuesday, September 10: Either Varnishing the finished mural, or just packing up to leave for my next adventure (if it's not finished yet).
This whole schedule is of course subject to change based on the weather. If any of the fancy beautiful paints or primers wash off in rain I will be so sad!!! It seems ambitious to me to try to paint the whole thing in a week, but since my dear sweet partner has agreed to come out on Tuesday and help with stuff for the rest of the week, it seems more doable. Yay for supportive partners!!
One more important date:
Saturday, September 28: Foothill Roots Farm Harvest Festival
Starting at 4pm, Diane and Pat are having their Harvest Festival. Check out www.foothillrootsfarm.com for more info. It's under events and Diane is making a post about it as I type. I wish I could be here for that!
Diane, making a post. Note the hair. Oh yes. |
Between my last post and this one, I did make it out here to pressure wash the shipping container, which was really fun.
Apparently I like pressure blasting moss off of sheet metal. Who knew.
I've also spent a significant amount of time drawing, erasing, sketching, drawing, starting over, enjoying and agonizing over the actual mural design.
For example, these coyotes?
Not even in the design anymore.
These little planty vegetables however, are definitely still in. And in real life they're not even upside down.
Feel free to contact me if you want to come and help. I'll be checking my email and comments sections. Or call me if you have my number. My intention is to post more as things progress, but I've said that before and not followed through, so no promises.
It's time for breakfast and then painting stuff, hopefully. Thanks for reading.